
What i can customize?

You can modify many aspects of our script according to your framework and some scripts you use.

Explentation config.lua

Config = {
    Inventory = "ESX", ---OX/ESX/QB/CUSTOM
    StatusFramework = "ESX", ---ESX/QB/CUSTOM
    PlayerLoadedEvent = "esx:playerLoaded", ---"esx:playerLoaded"/"QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded"/CUSTOM
    Item = "watch", --"watch"/ false
    City = "Los Santos",
    OpenKey = "F5",
    Lowlevelnotification = {
        sound = true,
        flash = true,
        screenflash = true,
        TimerScreenFlashAndSound = 60000,
        health = 30, --- -1 disable
        thirst = 30, --- -1 disable
        hunger = 30, --- -1 disable
    weatherTypes = {
        ["EXTRASUNNY"] = {temp = 30, dayIcon = "DEXTRASUNNY.png", nightIcon = "NEXTRASUNNY.png", label = "Very Sunny"},
        ["CLEAR"] = {temp = 25, dayIcon = "DCLEAR.png", nightIcon = "NCLEAR.png", label = "Clear Sky"},
        ["CLOUDS"] = {temp = 20, dayIcon = "DCLOUDS.png", nightIcon = "NCLOUDS.png", label = "Cloudy"},
        ["OVERCAST"] = {temp = 18, dayIcon = "DOVERCAST.png", nightIcon = "NOVERCAST.png", label = "Overcast"},
        ["RAIN"] = {temp = 15, dayIcon = "DRAIN.png", nightIcon = "NRAIN.png", label = "Rainy"},
        ["CLEARING"] = {temp = 17, dayIcon = "DCLEARING.png", nightIcon = "NCLEARING.png", label = "Clearing"},
        ["THUNDER"] = {temp = 10, dayIcon = "DTHUNDER.png", nightIcon = "NTHUNDER.png", label = "Thunderstorm"},
        ["SMOG"] = {temp = 22, dayIcon = "DSMOG.png", nightIcon = "NSMOG.png", label = "Smoggy"},
        ["FOGGY"] = {temp = 12, dayIcon = "DFOGGY.png", nightIcon = "NFOGGY.png", label = "Foggy"},
        ["XMAS"] = {temp = 0, dayIcon = "DXMAS.png", nightIcon = "NXMAS.png", label = "Snowy"}

Configuration Details


Description: Specifies which inventory management system your server uses. Options:

  • "ESX": Use this if your server runs the ESX framework.

  • "OX": Select this for the OX framework.

  • "QB": Choose this for the QB framework.

  • "CUSTOM": Opt for a custom solution if you're using a non-standard inventory system.


Description: Determines the framework used for managing player status such as hunger and thirst. Options:

  • "ESX": For servers using the ESX status management.

  • "QB": For servers using the QB framework.

  • "CUSTOM": For a custom status management solution.


Description: Specifies the event triggered when a player loads into the server. Options:

  • "esx:playerLoaded": Use this if your server runs the ESX framework.

  • "QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded": Select this for the QB framework.

  • "CUSTOM": Use a custom event if your server uses a non-standard player loading process.


Description: Defines the name or ID of the smart watch item in the inventory system. This is used to reference the smart watch within the game's item management. Options:

  • "watch": The default name for the smart watch item.

  • false: Disables the item if not required.


Description: Name of your city as it will appear in the weather app on the smart watch. Example: "Los Santos"


Description: Defines the key used to open the smart watch interface. Default: "F5"


Description: Configuration settings for low-level notifications related to health, thirst, and hunger. Fields:

  • sound: Enables or disables sound notifications. (true/false)

  • flash: Enables or disables the flashing of the smart watch screen. (true/false)

  • screenflash: Enables or disables the flashing of the game screen. (true/false)

  • TimerScreenFlashAndSound: Duration (in milliseconds) for how long the screen flash and sound will be active.

  • health: Threshold percentage for health below which the notification triggers. (-1 to disable)

  • thirst: Threshold percentage for thirst below which the notification triggers. (-1 to disable)

  • hunger: Threshold percentage for hunger below which the notification triggers. (-1 to disable)


Description: Contains definitions for various weather conditions, including temperature and icons for day and night. Fields:

  • temp: The temperature associated with the weather type (in degrees Celsius).

  • dayIcon: The icon used to represent the weather during the day.

  • nightIcon: The icon used to represent the weather at night.

  • label: A descriptive label for the weather condition.

Translation html/config.json

  "days": ["SUN", "MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI", "SAT"],
  "thirst": "THIRST",
  "hunger": "HUNGER",
  "armor": "ARMOR",
  "health": "Health",
  "heart": "Heart",
  "currentHealth": "Current",
  "cronometer": "Cronometer",
  "start": "Run",
  "reset": "Reset",
  "stop": "Stop",
  "wheater": "Wheater"

Custom custom.lua

function HasItem(item)
    QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()
    local p = promise.new()
    QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('QBCore:HasItem', function(result)
    end, item)
    return Citizen.Await(p)

function ItemInInventory()
    if Config.Item then
    local count = 0
    if Config.Inventory == "OX" then
        count = exports.ox_inventory:GetItemCount(Config.Item)
    elseif Config.Inventory == "ESX" then
        ESX = exports["es_extended"]:getSharedObject()
        local inventory = ESX.GetPlayerData().inventory
        if inventory ~= nil then
        for i=1, #inventory, 1 do
            if inventory[i].name == Config.Item then
            count = inventory[i].count
    elseif Config.Inventory == "QB" then
        count = HasItem(Config.Item)
        print("Setup custom invetory")

    if count > 0 then 
        return true
    return false
    return true
local thirst = 0
local hunger = 0
if  Config.StatusFramework  == "QB" then
AddEventHandler('hud:client:UpdateNeeds', function(newHunger, newThirst)
    hunger = newHunger
    thirst = newThirst
function getplayerdata()

    if Config.StatusFramework == "ESX" then
        TriggerEvent('esx_status:getStatus', 'hunger', function(status)
			hunger = math.floor(status.getPercent())
        TriggerEvent('esx_status:getStatus', 'thirst', function(status)
			thirst = math.floor(status.getPercent())
    elseif Config.StatusFramework  ~= "CUSTOM" then
        print("Setup custom status framework")
    return {thirst = thirst, hunger= hunger,armor = GetPedArmour(PlayerPedId()), health = GetEntityHealth(PlayerPedId())-100}


Here you can customize if you have a custom framework!

Last updated