Description: Specifies which inventory management system your server uses.
"ESX": Use this if your server runs the ESX framework.
"OX": Select this for the OX framework.
"QB": Choose this for the QB framework.
"CUSTOM": Opt for a custom solution if you're using a non-standard inventory system.
Description: Determines the framework used for managing player status such as hunger and thirst.
"ESX": For servers using the ESX status management.
"QB": For servers using the QB framework.
"CUSTOM": For a custom status management solution.
Description: Specifies the event triggered when a player loads into the server.
"esx:playerLoaded": Use this if your server runs the ESX framework.
"QBCore:Client:OnPlayerLoaded": Select this for the QB framework.
"CUSTOM": Use a custom event if your server uses a non-standard player loading process.
Description: Defines the name or ID of the smart watch item in the inventory system. This is used to reference the smart watch within the game's item management.
"watch": The default name for the smart watch item.
false: Disables the item if not required.
Description: Name of your city as it will appear in the weather app on the smart watch.
Example: "Los Santos"
Description: Defines the key used to open the smart watch interface.
Default: "F5"
Description: Configuration settings for low-level notifications related to health, thirst, and hunger.
sound: Enables or disables sound notifications. (true/false)
flash: Enables or disables the flashing of the smart watch screen. (true/false)
screenflash: Enables or disables the flashing of the game screen. (true/false)
TimerScreenFlashAndSound: Duration (in milliseconds) for how long the screen flash and sound will be active.
health: Threshold percentage for health below which the notification triggers. (-1 to disable)
thirst: Threshold percentage for thirst below which the notification triggers. (-1 to disable)
hunger: Threshold percentage for hunger below which the notification triggers. (-1 to disable)
Description: Contains definitions for various weather conditions, including temperature and icons for day and night.
temp: The temperature associated with the weather type (in degrees Celsius).
dayIcon: The icon used to represent the weather during the day.
nightIcon: The icon used to represent the weather at night.
label: A descriptive label for the weather condition.